Rare movies are movies that are hard to find. We have done the difficult job of searching them out. It cost us time to achieve this, nevertheless, you don't have to spend that time. Here you get the record and the description for each one of these that you will find no where else:
Cabiria (1914) - A few years before Christus.. Small Cabiria is kidnapped by many pirates in the span of just one eruption of the Etna.. She's sold as a in Carthage, and when she's just meant to be sacrificed to the almighty Moloch, Cabiria is saved by both Fulvio Axilla, a noble, and his enormous slave Maciste.. Maciste is captured right after having confided Cabiria to Sophinisbe's secure keeping, while Fulvio Axilla seems to escape Carthage. Before he's really in a position to keep returning to Carthage. 10 years went away with Punic conflicts. Through the Punic Wars in the 3rd century N.C.. the young girl Cabiria, and also her physician Croessa, are kidnapped in the course of the fraudulent web spun by an of Mount Etna.. Cabiria will be diminished in the temple of Moloch.. Fulvio Axilla, a Roman criminal, together with his slave, Maciste, protect her and she ends up with the treatment of Queen Sophonisba.. A decade later, after numerous battles in addition to alliances, Carthage breaks to the Romans and Cabiria comes back house with Fulvio..
Heart of Glass (1976) --
Phantom (1922) --
Lorenz Lubota is a public worker without the purpose in life.. Sooner or later on his route to work he is really run over by a woman driving a chariot and then he's straight away infatuated with her.. His existence begins to control out of control primarily because he searches for this specific woman along with efforts to get her heart , more at
The Court Jester DVD.
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