Skills for the Future

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Nail biting is one of the habits that you develop that is considered socially unacceptable, so to conform it is important to stop biting your nails. Unfortunately, you may be unaware when biting your nails and by doing so it has become a habit. Sure, some people can stop the habit with sheer self-discipline, but most people need some kind of help. Listed here are some techniques that you can use to help you break the unattractive habit. For a lot more in depth review on stop biting nails: Stop Nail Biting as well as on stop biting nails.

stop biting nails

Stop Nail Biting : Reasons Why it First Started

Nail biting is regarded as one of those habits that people return to if they are nervous. It is interesting to not however that nervousness is not the main reason why people bite their nails; the vast majority of people who continually bite their nails do it because they are bored or because they are stressed. Whenever someone is bored they often look for something that will help relieve the boredom, biting nails offers the distraction they're looking for and at the same time keeps their hands busy. Some people who are suffering from stress find biting their nails a good way to alleviate much of the anxiety that they're dealing with, for many it is clenching of the jaw when they bite off their nail, and for others it is the sound of the nail being bitten.

Other people bite their nails simply because they don't manicure their nails. The scraggy edge of a nail is a temptation to just simply bite off, biting it off prevents the nail from catching on things. Poor manicures also lead to uneven nails, so in order to make their nails neat they bite them off. Frustration and loneliness are two other big reasons individuals bite their nails.

Stop Biting Your Nails - Rope in Your Friends

Quitting a habit is really difficult and most of us invariably cannot do it alone. One of the main reasons we have such a tough time breaking the habit ourselves is that we do not even realize we are doing it. By roping in family and friends, you are more likely to quit biting your nails. They can remind you whenever you bite your nails, what makes it better still is if they are attempting to stop the same habit and you can give each other helpful hints on what working.

Figure Out Why You Bite Your Nails

You might be amazed to discover that there was some sort of trigger that began your nail biting habit. If you look back or maybe talk to your parents, you might be able to discover when you started biting your nails. Identifying what prompted you to begin this habit provides an opportunity for you work out a better coping mechanisms and cope with what is going on in your life. A good way to help determine precisely why you bite your nails is to write down in a diary that includes information such as what you were feeling and what you were doing when biting your nails.

Discovering why you started out biting your nails should help you to stop nail biting, but won't solve the problem alone. If you wish to succeed in stopping this habit is to utilize any information that you've gained in conjunction with another technique, such as wearing band-aids on the nails or simply discipline. If you are serious about wanting to stop biting your nails then you also need to visualise your success. If you do not have faith in yourself, you are setting yourself up to fail from the start!

For much more information and facts about how to stop nail biting and stop biting nails have a check at our article writer bio.

Hi, I'm part of a team who'd like to help you stop biting your nails. It's most likely been a lifelong habit that gets far worse when you are anxious and upset. It's a challenge to stop nail biting; but we'll help you with support and advice. Make sure you visit our website on stop biting nails at stop biting nails for more suggestions and tips on stop biting nails.

By: Sarah Miller

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