Skills for the Future

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Homeopathy – is there anything to it?

Early lastyear leading pharmacy Boots admitted that they didn’t believe homeopathic medicine works. However, despite this revelation and repeated clinical trials which prove that homeopathy gives the same results achieved in placebo tests, the NHS still managed to spendover £4 million in 2009creating homeopathic pills.

Overwhelmed by the National Health Services and leading Pharmacies ‘no harm’ attitude to homeopathy, more than 300 protestors are now planning to get involved in a mass homeopathic overdose to help increase public knowledge about the fact that homeopathy is a myth

During this public exhibitionwhich is set to take place on the 30th January 2010, all three hundred protestors will openly swallow in public an entire container of 90 homeopathic pills to show that they are nothing more than fakes and hopefully prompt pharmacies to stop selling them.

Where did Homeopathy come from?

Question consumers and they will describe homeopathy as 'herbal medicine' the majority of the ingredients found within this complementary herbal medicine are so weakthat there really is nothing to them.

Yet further research into the discovery of homeopathy has found that it is not strictly an herbal medicine, but is based on three theories produced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Threetenets which are still utilised in the testing of homeopathic pills to this day:

- The Law of Similars where whatever caused your symptoms will also cure them i.e. unable to sleep, take caffeine
- The Law of Infinitesimals where the more weak the remedy, the more potent it will become
- The Law of Succession where intense mixing of a homeopathic remedy would intensify its potency

Assessing this history, it is easy to understand why sceptics are requesting that the government to command the NIHCE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to evaluate whether it is appropriate for the NHS to pay for homeopathic remedies. Providing few if any positive results, all scientific studies have the same conclusion that they will not help your immune system.

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