The workshops' participants have identified the following ideas (causes/effects) related to this theme:
Main barrier of science is implementing curricula not considering the regional and qualificational necessities properly in education. This situation is increasing the unreliability of science among the business authorities.
Not supporting students’ interpersonal skills
Not supporting students’ practical knowledge enough.
Not supporting students’ foreign language skills.
In global terms (with some exceptions), the research departments of universities are still a little upset to themselves, not valuing the importance of interaction with the business community. On the other hand, there is also a difficulty of communication between universities and the business world, as regards the presentation of research activities that are developed in universities and the importance / benefit they may have for the business community.
Adaptation to the needs and size of the organizations
Mismatching of investigation and scientific work to business needs.
It is important to consider the situation of many universities that give priority to pure research instead of applying it, not thus contributing to a greater rapprochement between the two areas. It should be taken into account the cultural issues underlying the two worlds, business and academia, where many misconceptions persist.
Professors have different priorities
Businesses do not understand the pace in which science works
Intellectual elitism, egocentricity, little practical sense in addressing the problems, lack of awareness of the University as a service to society and the economy and not just as an unproductive intellectual delight. Example: a multitude of masters and doctorates produced without any practical application, just to make curriculum and affirmation between their pairs.
Too much competitive spirit of those who finance.
Difficulty in accessing information from companies
Barriers: Different work cultures pose a material barrier for the cooperation (business – task-oriented, university – job oriented). This concerns both university administration and academics.
Consulting sector delivers better training and advisory products than science (higher education).
Market intermediaries needed!!! The consulting sector is capable of proposing solutions that are better suited for the requirements of business than academics. It results e.g. from the fact that this sector knows the needs of business better than academics.
Fight against a feeling of mistrust perceived by entrepreneurs towards research
Communication codes are not always compatible.
Lack of investments in long term research
Fragmentation of Italian business world and small sized enterprises which are not able to get right opportunities offered by Research
Communication codes are not always compatible.
Common aspects.There are some important aspects underlined also in the previous section: the reciprocal feeling of mistrust created by the different work cultures and communication codes. Moreover it has been stressed as Universities give priority to pure research which has, sometimes, little practical/immediate results. It is also important to add that universities are not able to propose solutions that are better suited for the requirements of business. In this sense the consulting sector seems to know better the business needs than academics. It would be necessary then more cooperation above all in the exchange of information from the side of enterprises and universities, overcoming fears and finding a compromise.