The workshops' participants have identified the following ideas (causes/effects) related to this theme:
Business authorities mainly employ and study with experienced people in their subject areas. This situation causes newly graduated people to get difficulties in entering business.
Another barrier of business area is related with the apprenticeship education. Business authorities should reinforce the relations with universities by contributing apprenticeship education of prospective students.
In general, the business class still remains a little bit averse with the cooperation and partnership with universities. This situation can be motivated by the fear of making known some of their "trade secrets" and with that becoming harmed. On the other hand the style of management present in most organizations, where the strategic planning is at least incipient, also leads to not appreciate a closer cooperation between universities and enterprises
Time, investigation costs, availability of materials and resources
Lack of investment on IDI
Unfavorable economic situations (investment contraction) and difficulties in establishing efficient communication interfaces between the two areas
Science as Ivory towers
Fear of giving out secrets
Mental and budgetary constraints.
Perspective of immediate profit.
Intellectual stigma felt by the academy
Lack of trust in others and very individualistic spirit
Patents or trademarks - exclusivity or monopoly business
Mistrust on both sides, by mutual ignorance
Barriers: Different work cultures pose a material barrier for the cooperation (business – task-oriented, university – job oriented). This concerns both university administration and academics.
Skills and abilities of academics and researchers are not transformed into products and services for enterprises, in other words they are not able “to commercialise” their knowledge;
Communication codes are not always compatible.
Common aspects:enterprises have to invest more in R&D, not only money but also giving a more direct access to placement services to students and making available their facilities. Moreover they should establish more direct links with R&D institutions in order to clearly explain their needs. It is important to underline asthe scientific communityexpectsthatentrepreneursbelieveintheirrole for boosting economic development.Beneficial partnerships can be created, if entrepreneurs will be able to overcome the existing mistrust.